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Dear users, welcome to the psychodiagnostic WORKtest® system. Logging into the system is the same for all users.

After logging in you can:

  • Do a test
  • or return to the results of your previous tests

Please fill in your user name and password, then click "Log in"



This step will take you to the internal system of WORKtest®, which will lead you back to required activities. You can always look back at your tests or print them out in the offered format by exporting to PDF. Thanks to an assigned password, you don't have to worry about your results being seen by an unauthorized person. All outputs are carefully secured by a certified authority. Keep your password safe. In case of loss or at your request the system will generate a new password. The assigned password can be changed at any time in your administration interface, as well as the password for remote on-line access for completing tests.